Art Intelligence

Listen 6 feet away from your speaker at full volume

The title “Guns Money” screams misunderstanding.  This song is NOT about buying guns and is NOT about becoming an all-powerful human. This is the new single from my band MYAI and here is the direction.  

Let’s start with the chorus lyric “Power”

This song was originally called “Power Couple” and then changed to “Guns Money” as the song expanded into a deeper political pathway of finding why individuals want power and how people think about the power you have when you vote or don’t vote.  Vote.

The word guns is meant to be evocative. For those of us in America it’s a mixed metaphor. Guns are inextricably tied to notions of power. 

The word money is used to capture the inequalities that exist with the distribution of income and wealth.  Money is the ultimate status symbol in a materialistic society where all things are for sale. 

The phrase sex and rock’n roll is about arriving at equality in this world.  Women and men, race, reproductive rights, religious or atheist, educated or not educated, immigrant or born in this country, homeless or with a home, old or young.  Sex and rock’n Roll is also be the forbidden behaviors of politicians who think they are rock stars and above it all.   


Listen to the first release of Guns Money by MYAI